
Infrastructure as a service Today- Happenings

1. Open Source, the Fuel for Cloud Disruption
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Open source has proven to be a good option for building, managing, and
delivering scalable infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds and
platform-as-a-service ...<http://www.sys-con.com/node/2301029>

2. Amazon Web Services Unveils New Pricing and Support Services
Midsize Insider
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has unveiled a new pricing structure and enhanced
support services for its popular infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
offerings. <http://midsizeinsider.com/en-us/article/amazon-web-services-unveils-new-pricing>

3. Windows Azure Passes PaaS, Moves Directly Down to IaaS
Virtualization Review (blog)
Most companies move up to higher levels of sophistication. With Azure,
Microsoft is moving down, broadening the service into Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) <http://virtualizationreview.com/blogs/doug-on-cloud/2012/06/windows-azure-passes-paas-moves-to-iaas.aspx>

4. Cloud Confidence Signals More SaaS, Hybrid Deployments
Information Management (blog)
Another bump in the as-a-service market is expected from PaaS and
Infrastructure as a Service, anticipated to grow by 15 percent in combined
adoption over the ... <http://www.information-management.com/news/cloud-hybrid-paas-big-data-north-bridge-venture-10022670-1.html>

5. Gartner: Cloud benefits from software spending slowdown
Additionally, the analyst firm explained that an increasing number of
organisations are demanding software functionality as a service
(infrastructure as a service ... <http://www.businesscloud9.com/content/gartner-cloud-benefits-software-spending-slowdown/10959>


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